Monday 17 March 2014


Ymir is also known as Orgelmir.

Ymir emerged from the ice of Niflheim when it melt from the hot air of Muspell.

Ymir drank milk from a primeval cow AUDUMBLA.
When sleeping, other frost giants formed from the sweat of Ymir's body: the first male and female emerged from his left armpit, and  another man came from his legs.

Ymir (cr: Magnus artwork)
AUDUMBLA licked on the ice and create a man call Buri. Buri has 3 grandsons were the gods Odin, Vili, and Ve, Ymir was killed by them. 
After his death, they took 
  • his flesh to make earth.
  • his bones became mountains.
  • his teeth turned into stones and boulders.
  • his hair became trees and vegetation. 
  • the gods made the sky from Ymir's skull.
  • they threw his brains into the air to form clouds. 
  • Odin and his brothers used Ymir's eyebrows to make a great wall to surround and protect Midgard, the world of humans.

Myths Encyclopedia

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