Wednesday 19 March 2014


Also known as Bor, Bör or Bur.

Gender: Male.
Father: Buri.
Spouse: Bestla.
Children: Vili, Vé, Odin

Borr was the son of Búri, he married to Bestla, and they had three children Vili, Ve and Odin.
Borr is found in eddic poetry and in Snorri’s Edda, where the name is spelled Bor. His name is a poetic noun meaning “son.”

Borr (Tony Curran) in Thor: The Dark World


Monday 17 March 2014


Ymir is also known as Orgelmir.

Ymir emerged from the ice of Niflheim when it melt from the hot air of Muspell.

Ymir drank milk from a primeval cow AUDUMBLA.
When sleeping, other frost giants formed from the sweat of Ymir's body: the first male and female emerged from his left armpit, and  another man came from his legs.

Ymir (cr: Magnus artwork)
AUDUMBLA licked on the ice and create a man call Buri. Buri has 3 grandsons were the gods Odin, Vili, and Ve, Ymir was killed by them. 
After his death, they took 
  • his flesh to make earth.
  • his bones became mountains.
  • his teeth turned into stones and boulders.
  • his hair became trees and vegetation. 
  • the gods made the sky from Ymir's skull.
  • they threw his brains into the air to form clouds. 
  • Odin and his brothers used Ymir's eyebrows to make a great wall to surround and protect Midgard, the world of humans.

Myths Encyclopedia

Sunday 16 March 2014

Buri - the first Norse God

Buri was the first Norse god and became the father of the other gods.
He had no father or mother, but  Audhumla created him when she licked through the ice.
Audhumla saved Ymir by her milk and formed Buri by licking through the ice, Encyclopedia Mythica™

AUDUMBLA - Goddess of Ice Cream.

Also known as Auðumbla, AUDHUMLA, AUDUMLA, AUDHUMBIA.

AUDUMBLA is a giant cow who saved YMIR by her milk. She was created from the melting ice at the beginning of time., Encyclopedia Mythica™